
Sunday, June 22, 2008

My first homemade gift...kind of

This is my very first homemade gift that I'm giving away to someone outside of my family. I'm not exactly 100% finished with it, since I need to seal the back of the picture, but other than that, I think it's ready to go. It's for a friend whose daughter just had a baby. As you can tell from the picture, his name is Alexander. However, his nickname is going to be Zander. His grandmother wasn't sure though that everyone would understand how they got that name from the other, so I did my own little take on how they could tell. And of course, I decided to put my 'wanna-be-children's-illustrator' twist on it and make it a picture that also says "From A to Z", too. :) So, Here's the final outcome:

Do you see the Apple and Zebra to go along with the theme as well? :) I can't wait to give it to them. I've been working on it for a long while now, just to get it right. It's even got a 3-d like quality, too, because I made the eyelashes stick out by cutting a bunch of little slits on a piece of paper and pulling them out. I really enjoyed making this piece. I really hope the couple likes it. :) Oh, it's made by cut paper by the way. :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Create something.

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. I've been busy. :) I haven't gotten to create very much real art lately, however I have found another way to be creative. I've said it before, that I love facebook. Well, I love some of the applications on there as well. One is the (Fluff)friends application. It's just so cute! Plus, I just recently discovered that they have their own form of art (Fluff art) where you can get feedback on your work, as well as meet some new friends, get stuff for your fluff, and even win some neat little prizes (only valuable in fluff land, of course. ;)

So, I've been creating a few pieces of my own and here's a couple I've come up with. Hope you like them. If you haven't checked this application out, you definately should. It forces you to think outside the box, since you can only make art with the 'stuff' already there. For the collage lovers out there, this is definately something you would like I think. For me, it makes me think more about my art, which has made my art better.

Here's a hoot owl I created, cartoon style:

And here's one that's more collage-like:

Also, I've got some real art to share, hopefully later this week. It's a gift I made for a friend who's having/had a baby. :) Be sure to check back! :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's been hectic...

It's been quite a hectic few weeks for me, but things are starting to slow down right now, so I thought I would post a little something to let you know I hadn't fallen off the face of the Earth. :) I haven't had time to create any new art, but here's a neat little website that shows you what color blue you are. I've always loved the color blue, so I thought I would share my own color with you guys and let you see what color you are. :)

Here's mine:

You Are Indigo

Of all the shades of blue, you are the most funky, unique, and independent.Expressing yourself and taking a leap of faith has always been easy for you.