
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Almost Halloween!

Sorry I haven't posted anything for the past few weeks. Been busy and uncreative. :P However, halloween seems to have rekindled my art bug and I'm suddenly all excited about art again! :D

I just found this awesome website and video today, which I love.

And Holli hosting her Pumpkin Junkin contest again this year, so be sure to enter! ;D

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Attack of the Alien boy!

Something simple created on my tablet. ;) Happy weekend to all!

Friday, August 21, 2009

An Elefant's Love

A little something cutesy I created on my tablet.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Bunnies!

Some more bunny arts. Gotta love their cuteness. ;) Not really happy with this one, but thought it was somewhat cute, so thought I would share it. That sun needs a lot of work. :P Oh well, hope you enjoy it anyway. ;)

Do the Funky Chicken!

Here's a new digital piece I created that I love. ;) Would love to do a series of these with other animals but doubt it will happen, at least not any time soon. :P

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Digital craziness.

Some new pieces from my tablet. :) I really like trying out the different brushes and textures. Definately easier to do them digitally than spending real money on all those mediums. :)

A skiing snowman.

Um...a princess?

And a mean ol' cat in a tree trying to trick that poor birdie. It looks like the bird is on to the trick, so I think he'll be fine. ;)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bistro Series 4

So far this is the last one in my 'series'. Really only the first two are 'bistro'esque, but I wanted these other two to go with them. ;) I like the idea of this one rather than the pictures. It's basically a princess that has a frog as a back up if her prince charming doesn't work out. ;)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bistro Series 3

This one is rather simple, but I think it's one of my favorites. ;)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bistro series 2

Second piece in the series. Also done on my tablet.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bistro Series 1

I call these my Bistro series because they look sort of like something I would imagine would be on the side of a bistro or coffee shop. ;) They're done on my bamboo tablet. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Some new work...finally!

Finally, finally, finally, got some new art works to share. :) I did these on my bamboo wacom tablet. Hope you enjoy them! Have lots of new sketches of bunnies to share, too. Gotta love bunnies! ;D

Friday, July 10, 2009

A bit behind, but some great finds!

Have dozens of new art I need to post, but haven't had the time for awhile. Will try to get those up eventually. ;) In the meantime, I've been following another blog/website dedicated to the wonderful book and soon to be movie, Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak. Terrible Yellow Eyes is not only run by an awesome artist by the name of Cory Godbey but it portrays dozens upon dozens of pieces by other awesome artists as well (such as Alberto CerriteƱo, whose design style I adore! He's also having a giveaway that ends TODAY, so stop by now while you can to enter! ;D ).

On top of that, after following link upon link of these artists, one provided an extremely useful link to free images to use for art. (I would imagine it's mostly for digital artists, but some of these images could probably be used for a sort of reference as well for textures and whatnot.) You can find all sorts of things over there at Lost and Taken.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Some new work

Here's some things out of my sketchbook. Enjoy!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Something fun.

It's getting to be that time of year when people go on vacation and decide to travel. So I decided to do a sort of brochure type of piece. I also did this on my tablet.

Looking for Inspiration?

Then check out these awesome sites!

Redbubble - just type in a subject and check out all the awesome art there!

How about orange? - for lovers of orange and colors. ;)

And how cute is this?

Definately is giving me some things to think about for this spring. ;)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Work

Okay, so I haven't gotten to see Coraline yet, however it is on my to do list. :) Apparently movies don't run as late in the winter here as they do in the summer, and since this is a kid's movie, it only runs on the early times, so it will probably have to be a weekend before I can see it, and they're jam packed right now as it is. However, I will try to post about it when I see it. ;)

On another note, I still haven't been able to scan my newest sketches and works, but I have been doodling and playing around with my tablet and computer and came up with somethings I thought was cute last night. Thought I would share them with you guys really quick. ;)

Here's one that was more of an experiment. I've been trying out some of the techniques on adobe and here's a few of the pictures I've come up with so far.

I love the one with the airplanes. I tried printing it and it came out a little dark, so I may need to lighten it a bit, but I thought this would make a great luggage tag or something. I'm going to play around with adobe some more and some other techniques to see what I can come up with. ;)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Great Website

A friend of mine told me about this website and I have fallen in love with it. The colors are vibrant. The pictures are adorable. What more could any illustrator/artist want? ;)

Check it out for yourself:

Vlad Studio

Monday, February 16, 2009

Movie Pre- Review : Coraline

Sorry for my prolonged absence. I have some new art I need to put up, but I haven't had the time lately, however I do have lots of new pieces I need to post and share. :) Not sure when I'll be able to get them up though, so in the meantime, I thought I would post about the new movie, Coraline, coming out. I believe it's based off a children's book, however I haven't done much research on it yet, so I'm not really sure. I have found the movie website and I have to say, it's one of the best I've seen in a while. It's perfect for children and those young pre-teens (and even those kid-at-heart adults like myself!). There are all sorts of things to do there. You can visit Coraline's world, visit her neighbors, watch the trailer and even create your own flower and post it to your facebook or myspace page, or even email it to your friends and family. The movie is stop-motion with clay animated figures, which I have always loved. I can only imagine the patience the people who made that movie have. There aren't too many stop motion movies out there right now, which makes them all the better in my opinion, since we get to see how those movies grow and develop. I especially love watching the behind the scene footages. The website actually has some of those you can watch as well. It's quite fascinating to see how Coraline's world is made and how all of her clothing and facial expressions are created. Again, the patience those people have to make those things astounds me.

Anyway, I haven't seen the movie yet, but hope to in the very near future, which is why I have titled this entry my 'pre-review'. Hopefully once I see it, I can get back on here and let you know my full review. :) Until then, I would definately recommend checking out their website. It does take it a few minutes to load, so you may have to wait. But believe me, the wait is definately worth it. ;)

Oh, and Happy Late Valentine's Day!