
Monday, August 30, 2010

Books, books, endlessly books...

Yes, more sketchbooks. You can never have enough sketchbooks. These turned out a lot better then my last few attempts. One will be going to a friend as a gift so I guess we'll see good they withstand actually being used. ;D

Update: You can view my other sketchbook attempts here and here.

Lots and lots of pink...

Last weekend my neice had to do a "Me" box for school. So obviously I had to give her a helping hand. ;D The box she was originally going to use ended up not working, so instead, I decided to make one for her. Once it was complete, we made a matching booklet with photos, etc. (which are blacked out in the photo) and then found some things for her to put in it. Overall, it turned out pretty cute!

Then we glued this clay flower I made to the top to balance out the pink, which I didn't take a picture of. But here's the flower none the less.

To finish it up completely I added handles for her made with some pink/orange mixed yarn as well. You can't tell in the photo but the box has a lid that folds over the top that's on a sort of hinge so she wouldn't lose it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What's YOUR creative style?

I was wandering around online, visiting one of my favorite haunts, How About Orange, when I saw her newest quiz. What's your creativity style?

I seem to use Creativity as a release. "For these reasons you are usually attracted to art that demands physicality, that allows you to express what’s inside, and that unites spontaneity, strength, freedom, power and movement." Hmmm, nice to know that about my creativity. ;)

Then, continuing my aimless wanderings, I came across this: Craft For a Cause

Not necessarily the biggest prize you could win, but looks like a good way to help your favorite organization, if you have one. Good luck to all those who enter. ;)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Something Simple

Some simple things I did recently. ;) Happy summer to all!