
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My first book!

Okay, I can officially say what I've been working on for the past few months! :D It's an awesome kids' book entitled, Jack the Kitten is Very Brave, and can be ordered here:

Machu and Jack

Or if you'd like a hoodie or sticker or other product bearing some cute kitten artwork from the book, feel free to visit here.

It was written by the incredibly talented Tabitha Grace Smith. It's an adorable book so be sure to pick one up soon. ;D

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sorry to be so quiet lately...

but I'm working on my first real illustration project. :D And I'm almost done! I can't wait to share it with you guys. :) Hopefully I'll be able to post some photos soon. ;) I also have tons of sketches I've been doodling in the meantime as well that I'll hopefully be able to upload in the near future. Thanks for visiting!


I did a little moving around with the Google options available now and revamped by blog a bit. I was previously using my own artwork as part of the background, but decided to stick with one of the premade ones for now since it looks cleaner and classier. I may be redoing the header later, but for now, I think it looks a bit better as it is. Hopefully it's more readable and enjoyable to view then before. I also updated my links list, as several were severly outdated and non existant. :/ If you find a link that is still not working in my link list, please let me know. I also added some additional features, so feel free to have fun looking around. ;)