
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A bunch of stuff crammed into one post.

I think the title says it all. LoL! Our internet has been having issues so posting hasn't been too easy lately. What we get for living in a rural area I suppose. Anyway, Just a few new things I wanted to share. First of all, my books have arrived! :D Now just need to start getting everything together for my giveaway.

Then, probably a month ago I experimented with some spray bottles, food coloring, water and paper mixed with found objects. After finding that besides dying my hands, you can create some awesome pictures with the negative space left behind. (Which I already knew but hadn't really tryed much myself.) Anyway, this was one of the results of digitally enhancing some of those images. I'll try to share the original pieces as well to show what neat things you can come up with, but wanted to share this for now just for fun. :)

And here's a little monster who seems to have fell in to a box of thumb tacks, as one of my friends suggested. ;D Poor thing. He was just trying to be helpful. LoL! At least it didn't get his eye or any vital organs.

And a couple of sketch dump pages of some stuff I've done over the last few months or more. These are just a handful of what I've drawn, though they're probably the better stuff of them all.

Oh, and a bracelet to share. I did three of these in all so far, one of which was given to a friend on her birthday awhile back. What do you think, worth pursuing? I liked the mix of leather with the bracelet and beads. Sort of gave it a more elegant look somehow.