
Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter!

Just a little Easter maze fun. Happy Easter to those celebrating and a happy sunny weekend to those who don't. :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just some random sketches and things for practice.

This is a bit of a dark piece. Just wanted to play with some techniques and was too lazy to do much more then copy what I'd already doodled and flip it. ;D

I don't know what this girl is pointing at or why, but her name in my head is Pointer girl. :/ Just wanted to try out some background stuffs with my sketches. I really liked the color scheme on this even if the idea doesn't make a lick of sense. ;D

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Been practicing people and just basic stuff. I've been incredibly inspired by Xamag's art, which you can check out here. While I've never really drawn people with horns before, they've actually been a huge inspiration to me. They seem to give my bland characters a bit more personality and life somehow. It's been fun pushing myself to work harder and better and in new ways. These were all so much fun to draw. Especially the middle lady in red. ;D

So far, I call these two Ric and Rac. I think I may rename them and use Ric and Rac for better characters though. :p

No idea what to say about this really. Just practicing stuff I guess.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Art Swap

I sent these to the lovely Heidi McDonald for an after Christmas art swap this January. You can check out her adorable blog here. The items included were a mini sketchbook, hand doodled card, and random doodled/colored stickers as well as a bookmark.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tea and sketches

Sorry for being so quiet. Just been insanely busy. :S And I've been uploading some of my sketches and whatnot to my scrapbook file rather then to my regular DA page, just to keep it from looking to terrible. :) But took a few minutes to doodle this up last night. Wanted to try creating some quirky characters and wanted to do something similar to Alice in Wonderland, so I somehow created this. :/

Oh, Can you spot the white rabbit? :)

Just some random practice, specifically working on eyes.

Just some random sketches. Trying to work on my people skills, which really really suck. :/

I've also been putting some other things into my scrapbook file on Deviant art. They may not get shared in other places, so click here if you want to check them out to see if you've missed anything. ;)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sketchy stuff and aliens

Aliens version 1. Didn't like the moon and stars, so...

...created version 2. :)

And some random sketches just to keep my creative juices flowing. ;) Happy Thursday! :D

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lettering with pictures

Mixed in the lettering with a couple of pictures. :) Mostly for my own amusement to create some custom wallpapers for my computer.

Lettering practice

I've been practicing more lettering. And kind of got carried away with it....


Random doodles and practice stuff. I've went so long without sharing any of my work before, that I want to keep a visual reminder of the things I've drawn that I can easily reference later. Thus, the mass amounts of sharing lately. ;)

Some hideous and weird stuff

These are just some old pieces I didn't like or didn't feel like sharing before. Just to show myself how far I've come, I'm sharing them now. I know they're hideous, so no need to leave any comments as I've no plans to revisit/rework/relook at them. They're only being shared for my own amusement. :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Doodles, bees and pandas

Some monochromatic bees.

Just some silly panda practice. ;)

And just random doodles.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Something random for Friday. Wishing you all a rainbow, happy filled weekend. ♥