
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hello bunny

   Some time ago, probably a year or two now, I painted this silly little bunny onto a blank wall canvas.  At the time, I ended up getting bored with it, not sure what to do with it, and sort of just left it to stay as it was.  It hung on my studio wall for ages.  And then, looking for something to do one day, i ripped it down and started painting the background.  I really loved how it turned out.  It's clearly not complete, but for now it's gone back on my studio wall until I can figure out what to do with it next.  See you next crafting time! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

IPhone 5 Customized Cover

   I was shopping at the dollar tree around Christmas this past year and came across some white, blank Iphone 5 cases.  As I have an Iphone 5 and have been wanting to create my own cover for ages, finding these were pretty epic.  I think I only purchased two, since I wasn't sure what to do with them or if my ideas would work, but I would love to get more.  So far I've only decorated one, but hopefully soon you'll be seeing the other one in all of it's decorated glory as well. 
   I'm really not happy with the lettering, I'd have rather left it off entirely, but it still suits me really well.  I used some basic sand paper to try to smooth the surface a bit, but my impatience left long streaks in the case from being sanded unevenly.  You can only really see them if you really inspect the case though.  I used basic, cheap acrylic paint which adhered to the case surprisingly well.  The cases started out white, so I didn't waste time on adding any primer, however I think it would have come out better if I had.  Next time I suppose.  I was also deeply inspired by Alissa Burke's general art techniques and used various mediums and applications to make the designs as unique as I could.  Although I may have went just a tad bit overboard with them.  LoL!   I also added a sealer over the top to keep the paint from chipping or scraping off, which I ended up doing during the creation when I tried writing on it with one of my glitter pens.  As far as it holding up to wear and tear, I've yet to try it out.  But for a dollar, it's already outlived my expectations for it.  So there you have it, my own unique custom Iphone case.  Thanks for stopping by!  See you next crafting time!