
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A new Kickstarter and some other stuff

 Another kickstarter! The Sherlock / Otterlock kickstarter didn't fund the first round, so we're hopefully going to get to revamp it a little with some tweaks and try it again later with some different goals and hopefully great rewards. I'll post about it again once it's back up so feel free to keep checking in here to see when it will be available again. In the meantime, here's the latest kickstarter we're working on. 'Jack the Kitten is Very Sleepy'!  This is actually the third children's book in the series. The first two, 'Jack the Kitten is Very Brave' and ' Machu the Cat is Very Hungry' are the first two. You can find them both on Amazon. This one has actually been a long while in the works. My schedule and some serious life events have forced me to keep pushing it back to finish it, but it's finally close to being completed and we're launching this kickstarter to help us get all the way there! Feel free to check it out and see some of the cute pages inside.

I've really been swamped with life and other projects, but I did doodle these up.  I'm really pleased with how they turned out. I really like experimenting with this style and pushing it further and further.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Otterlock / The Game is on kickstarter and a silly doodle

There's only a little over a week left for The Game is On Kickstarter!  Be sure to check it out now before it's too late!  And thank you for anyone that has already funded or plans to fund shortly or who has helped spread the word on the project.  You guys rock!

Additionally, here's a silly doodle of some peas from a week or so ago for your viewing enjoyment.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Latest Kickstarter update - Sherlock Playing Cards

I have another update to share with you guys!  Some changes were made and some new items were added (like the cool necklaces shown on the top right here)!  There are only 16 days left and still a ways to go so please, if you can, check out the page and help spread the word.  If you've backed this project or plan to, then don't forget that you rock!