
Saturday, September 8, 2007

Where I do what I do

Because I love to see pictures of where people work and how they do what they do, I thought I would show my own work area first (on the left). So, this is basically my work area. And it's usually a mess! It's a small picture of my desk, which is actually a really tall desk. It folds into itself and ends up looking like a dresser for your clothes or something. As you can see, I have some of my inspirational art work and letters around me as well as some of my art suppllies and other necessities. I don't have a studio, so for now, my bed has to do. :)

This other picture (on the right) is basically some more inspirational art that I've found. I got the first one as a sample from a magazine, and I decided to make a sort of collage out of it and some more that i've found. This way, I feel like I'm drawing some informaiton from some of the greats. :)

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