
Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm a finalist

Okay, I'm so excited. I just found out this weekend that I'm one of the ten finalists in a contest Mary Engelbreit had on her website! The contest was to come up with ideas for a baby shower using Mother goose as your guide, and mine was picked as one of the top ten! So, now, I just have to wait to see if I'm a grand prize winner or a 2nd through 10th winner. :) Either way, I think it's awesome! I've never been a finalist in anything before. I'm honored just to be among the top ten! As I've said before, Mary Engelbreit is one of my favorite artists (She truly is the reason why I became an artist), and I'm so honored she picked anything I created as a 'winner'. Of course, these were just some of my ideas. No art work was submitted, but still, it's so exciting! You can go here to see my name and everything!

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