
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tablet Graffiti

I drew these last night on my graffiti wall on Facebook, and I said I would share them with you guys to show you how much better my drawings look when I use a program that allows you to vary your colors and lets you have shadows and light.

This first one is the first picture I drew on my graffiti wall with my tablet.
It's certainly not perfect, but I am very pleased with how well I did the skin tones. They look more realistic then the ones I've done before.

This is the second picture I did, still working on my skin tones. This picture was harder to get the colors just right because I made it further away and could hardly see what I was doing on the teeny tiny screen I have. But I still think it turned out well. What do you guys think?

This third picture is one I did of "me". Or how I imagine me I guess. I'm holding my tablet and pen if you can't tell. :) I just did a basic black and white, just to see what it would look like. I really like how it turned out though. Basically it looks the same as a few I've done recently on real paper with a pen.

This last picture was more of an experiment with blending backgrounds. I just wanted to see how well I could blend my background while still having some light shine through. Sort of like a fog effect or something. Plus, I like drawing robots for some reason. :) Overall, he turned out better than I thought he would. I gave him better blended cheek color than any of the others I drew.

Overall, I'm quite satisfied with how these turned out. I can't wait to try it out again, I just need to think of some other things to draw first. :) (I told you I was in a creative rut!) If I get anymore ideas, I'll try to draw them and post them, so you can see how well I progress. :)

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