
Monday, January 7, 2008

Something a little different

I got a watercolor video over the weekend and was dying to watch it, so I did and I absolutely loved what the artist did with watercolors! So, I thought I would try my hand at some of the techniques she used, although because I'm using very cheap, cheap, cheap watercolors at the moment (since I haven't been to any nearby craft stores recently), the outcome is not as good as hers. But still, I thought I would post some of what I came up with anyway to let you see what I've been up to. :)In this picture I used some varying techniques, just to see how they would turn out. As you can see, it's not great, but I think it would make a great background for a picture, so maybe when I finally get my paint programs installed on my computer for my tablet, I'll be able to put these to good use. :)


  1. I actually like how these turned out. It will be interesting to see what you end up doing with them digitally.

  2. Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by to see my work! They turned out alot better than I thought they would. :) Of course, I still have a long way to go. ;D I can't wait to work on them with my new tablet. ;D
