
Monday, March 10, 2008

WooHoo! Snow Day!

We had a MAJOR snow storm this weekend, leaving at least 6 or 7 inches (or more!) at our feet. So what does that mean in regards to my artwork? I didn't do it! :D I played in the snow instead. Hey, it was a snow day after all. And once you're out of school, those come far and few between. :) I don't have any snow day pictures to share as the ones I took were fairly boring (since I couldn't take too many pictures with my gloves on) but I do have a few new pieces of art to show you that I created last week. This one started out as just a scrap piece of paper used while figuring out my watercolors, but somehow it turned into a fish.
My mom found me a watercolor dvd that I have been watching and trying to learn from, so to use the terms I have learned so far, I believe this is a wet on dry piece. I really like the wet on wet technique, since it produces the sort of image that I have shown below. (On which I also like to use salt, as you can see by all the white dots.)

I think I'm going to try and make some sort of picture out of this on Adobe, but I haven't decided yet. I'll have to play around with it and see what I can come up with. Also, if you're trying this technique out, be sure not to use too much water, as it will run and crinkle your paper if you're using fairly thin paper. I believe mine here was 90lb., so you may want to get something a bit heavier to start out with.

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