
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Has it really been that long?

I just updated my portfolio and noticed that in August, it will be five years ago that I started this blog. Goodness, I can't believe it's been that long! I guess when I went months without posting, time just flew by. LoL! I'm thinking about doing a giveaway. Both for here and on my facebook fan page for the occasion. Most of you are probably aware that I just published my first children's book, "Jack the Kitten is Very Brave", written by the extremely talented Tabitha Grace Smith. What you may not know is that there is a second book coming out about them again. This one is about big brother Machu. It's very adorable and should be wrapped up around the time of my blog's birthday, so perhaps I can have a giveaway for a set of the books and some kitty related goodness? :D That's the plan anyway, so stay tuned for your chance to win. :) I'm going to try to do another giveaway for when my facebook fan page reaches 100 followers, too, so tell your friends and spread the word for your chance to win some more artsy goodness! Thanks to all who've started following already. Your comments and support mean so much to me. Thank you!

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