
Friday, November 18, 2011

Regarding the Giveaway

For those (I believe it may only have been three people?) who shared my giveaway here, I just wanted to say thanks. Because of the lack of entries, I decided to do the entire giveaway on my facebook fan page instead. I will try to more in the future, but they will probably only be done on my facebook page for now. Simply because it's a bit easier to figure out who has entered and to comment and whatnot. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully my next giveaway will be much more exciting and fun. :D

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Time for a Giveaway!!!!


Finally got this together! Still wish I had more time and energy to put more into it but for now, this will have to settle as my first official giveaway. :D One of the sets is going to be given away here and the other on my facebook fan page.

Okay, first off, The Rules:

There aren't many. Mostly, just that the same person can't win both prizes. That would hardly seem fair. Second, that you must like my facebook page or be a follower of my blog. Third, that you must advertise the giveaway in a post somehow with the link shared on this post. This can be via your blog, just a status on facebook, through your fanpage, whatever. As long as you spread the word about the giveaway and post the link here or on my facebook fan page post, you're entered. :D
All of my giveaways probably won't follow these same rules but I figured as my first giveaway, I'd make it a sort of promotional thing. ;D I also plan on doing more giveaways when I reach some of the 100 follower marks (100 likes, 500, etc.) so the more people who like my page, the more possibilities of a giveaway! :D You can enter via both my blog and facebook page for double the chance to win.

Second, the prizes! :D

Each set comes with a brand new, signed (by both me, the author - Tabitha Grace Smith- and Jack and Machu) copy of both Jack the Kitten is Very Brave, and Machu the Cat is Very Hungry. Also included is a special signed 'Color me Silly' zine created by me with some coloring pages of some of my line work. These are my first zine's and are probably going to be seriously limited edition until I hopefully get to create some more. :D (I think it's between 12 to 14 pages long.) Additionaly, I have created two sets of necklace items. Each set is unique to either Jack or Machu so in one set, there is a Jack oriented (blue) thread spool necklace with an accompanying bell as well as envelopes with kitten related items. The second set is for Machu which is pretty much the same items, only in his 'color' (red). So you're getting at least $50 worth of one of a kind prizes. :D

The contest will run for two weeks. So starting today and ending November 16th, midnight my time, which is Eastern Time (USA). So any entries from now until midnight November 16th will be entered. Any posts after that are disqualified. I will probably use a randomizer to pick the winners. I think that's about it.

Ready...set...go! :D

Edit: This is open to anyone and everywhere, regardless of area. This may change for future giveaways, depending on cost and shipping issues, but for this giveaway, everyone is welcome to enter. :D

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A bunch of stuff crammed into one post.

I think the title says it all. LoL! Our internet has been having issues so posting hasn't been too easy lately. What we get for living in a rural area I suppose. Anyway, Just a few new things I wanted to share. First of all, my books have arrived! :D Now just need to start getting everything together for my giveaway.

Then, probably a month ago I experimented with some spray bottles, food coloring, water and paper mixed with found objects. After finding that besides dying my hands, you can create some awesome pictures with the negative space left behind. (Which I already knew but hadn't really tryed much myself.) Anyway, this was one of the results of digitally enhancing some of those images. I'll try to share the original pieces as well to show what neat things you can come up with, but wanted to share this for now just for fun. :)

And here's a little monster who seems to have fell in to a box of thumb tacks, as one of my friends suggested. ;D Poor thing. He was just trying to be helpful. LoL! At least it didn't get his eye or any vital organs.

And a couple of sketch dump pages of some stuff I've done over the last few months or more. These are just a handful of what I've drawn, though they're probably the better stuff of them all.

Oh, and a bracelet to share. I did three of these in all so far, one of which was given to a friend on her birthday awhile back. What do you think, worth pursuing? I liked the mix of leather with the bracelet and beads. Sort of gave it a more elegant look somehow.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Art Supplies

I love seeing what other people use to create their art and what they have in their supplies, so I thought it might be fun to share what I normally use for my art. I think the photo is self explanatory enough, so I'll cease writing and let you simply enjoy the pic. ;)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Blog!

On August 9th of 2007, I added my first post to the world of blogdom. And I'm still at it, though not quite as vigorously, some years later in 2011. I think i said it had been five years, but I think it's really been four? I've grown to be terrible at math these last few years. LoL! Still, a birthday is a birthday no matter the age, so wanted to wish all those following me or visiting a very wonderful day and hope that you have enjoyed my works thus far and will continue to do so in the future. ;) And stay tuned for my giveaway! :D Shouldn't be too long now. ;)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Machu the cat is Very Hungry, now available for preorder!

Sorry for the absence. I've been updating my facebook page more often then here, so feel free to check it out.

But I wanted to stop by here and let everyone now, preorders for my latest illustrated book are now up for grabs. ;D Just head over to Jack and Machu's page to reserve your copy (they're limited edition copies signed by the author and our stars, Jack and Machu). And don't forget to check our their facebook fan page for all the latest going on with our favorite kittens, Machu and Jack. ;D

And here are some sample pages from the book for your viewing pleasure. ;) Enjoy!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Has it really been that long?

I just updated my portfolio and noticed that in August, it will be five years ago that I started this blog. Goodness, I can't believe it's been that long! I guess when I went months without posting, time just flew by. LoL! I'm thinking about doing a giveaway. Both for here and on my facebook fan page for the occasion. Most of you are probably aware that I just published my first children's book, "Jack the Kitten is Very Brave", written by the extremely talented Tabitha Grace Smith. What you may not know is that there is a second book coming out about them again. This one is about big brother Machu. It's very adorable and should be wrapped up around the time of my blog's birthday, so perhaps I can have a giveaway for a set of the books and some kitty related goodness? :D That's the plan anyway, so stay tuned for your chance to win. :) I'm going to try to do another giveaway for when my facebook fan page reaches 100 followers, too, so tell your friends and spread the word for your chance to win some more artsy goodness! Thanks to all who've started following already. Your comments and support mean so much to me. Thank you!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


A little doodle in pen and ink, colored in photoshop.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Some new stuff

Here's a new piece I just finished. Pen and ink, colored in photoshop. I've dubbed this piece, "The Queen and the Sea Thing".

And here's a sneaky peek of what you can find on my facebook page. You can see some work in progress pics of this work there as well.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Wildthings and Max

I seem to recall sharing some of these before? So sorry for any duplicates. I did these back in 2009 apparently (has it really been that long?!) and just updated one or two. Then realized how much I love Max and the wildthings and thought I'd share them here again.

And if you missed my earlier post, be sure to check out my facebook fan page. It's a little easier to update then blogger on my dial up so you may see some posts there you won't here and vice versa. You can find the page here. Thanks to those who've faved it so far.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Join me on Facebook!

I just set up my facebook fan page for anyone who cares to join. ;) I think I'll try to do a giveaway if I get maybe 100 followers/likes, and then again at 500, 1,000, etc. That's the plan anway. Not sure what would be given away. I guess we'll have to get to 100 followers to find out, won't we. ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I'm in the process of getting my studio put together. It's a long way from being anywhere near a studio, but thought I would share what I have so far. I'll try to upload progress pictures as I go along, but here it is so far if you care to see it. Beware the stark white walls. Hopefully they'll have some color soon. Just can't decide what to put on them. :/

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies, and even more bunnies.

I painted these bunnies on a large foam core board for a sign. It's too large to scan so I took a photo and played around with it in photoshop. The "original" piece is only slightly enhanced in photoshop as the photo was a little dark. But the other versions are enhanced with photoshop's filters. I really liked how they came out and thought I would share them here.

Some more cards

A couple more cards I made for some friends. The caterpillar one was blank on the inside while the other had a cheeky little monkey. ;D

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A meek post

Sorry I've been quiet lately. Meant to do an Easter post of something but we ended up getting slammed by several severe storms in a row (tornado warnings, terrible thunder, etc.) that I just haven't had time. :/ I've also been busy working on my next book featuring Jack and Machu once again. ;) It's coming along swell so far and I'm really excited with the way it's looking.

On another note, I've discovered A place to get 50 and 60% off vouchers for specific Etsy shops. If you're familiar with Groupon, it's sort of like that, only for Etsy. Each day a new vendor is listed that you can get a voucher for. Some of the deals are really awesome. Moments ago I just got a $30 spending voucher and only paid $12. It was for the lovely shop, JustJaynes. I'll have to upload photos of what I ordered when they arrive and show off her wonderful work.

Until then, feel free to use this invitation link for their site. :D (You should get a $5 credit with this link.)

Heartsy - Daily deals on fabulous handmade items, at least 50% off.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Some trinkets and treasures

Just some little trinkets and treasures I made over the weekend. The treasure boxes were originally light brown, unpainted and came in a set of three. I couldn't find the third one at the time but went ahead and painted the other two in shades of blue, pink, and pastel orange. They came out really well. The copper necklace details on the larger box were made sometime ago and I never finished it into a whole necklace so it fit perfect here.

The trinkets are pretty various. Mostly scrabble pieces, discounted Christmas items and odds and ends I've been hoarding for awhile. Glad I finally got to make good use of them. The photos came out a bit brighter then I thought. The colors are slightly more neon then they really are.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Devil's Party

Pen and ink drawing on paper, colored with photoshop. I also used part of this as my newest header. I also included a little Studio Ghibli love by adding Totoro. I've not yet seen My Neighbor Totoro but I've fallen in love with Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service. Am planning to try to find the other studio Ghibli movies as soon as I get a chance. I know they're cartoons but the food in them always makes my mouth water. LoL!

Another Birthday

Here's a card I did last night for a friend's birthday today. Drawn in ink, colored with water colors and colored pencils.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Progressive piece

Wanted to share a piece through it's progression. The line work, the colored foreground and the completed piece with background. Pen and ink drawing colored via photoshop.

Produce Abuse

A little silly something I created. ;D I don't think produce abuse is a big issue (or an issue at all) but it was fun creating a teeny poster for it. ;D Pen and ink drawing enhanced with photoshop.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Pirate Kitten - Free Coloring Page!

Freebie coloring page! It's not quite Jack the Kitten but it's a pirate kitten none the less. ;D Hope you enjoy!

Ink on paper, enhanced digitally.

Note: Please do not reuse without my permission. For personal use only.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mini marshmallows!

I'm not exactly a huge fan of marshmallows (marshmallow creme, yes, marshmallows, not so much), but how can anyone resist mini marshmallows? They're always so adorable and tiny. <3

Monday, February 21, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rain drops keep falling...

Poor Bunny. I

'm not chinese, but I've been told it's the year of the rabbit. And since I love rabbits, I obviously am using this as an excuse to draw as many bunnies as possible. XD So hope you've enjoyed all the bunnies so far! And spring should be coming in full force soon! Yay! <3

Monday, February 14, 2011

Luv Balloonz

A little something simple for Valentine's day. <3

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A sneak peek and a neurotic Kat

Here's a little sneak peek of what I'm hoping to get up soon. I'm wanting to coordinate a little kick off here on my blog for this as well, so be sure to check back for updates.

I also decided to start a blog for a crazy cartoon I came up with about a neurotic cat named Yelper Kat who basically only knows how to gripe and complain. LoL! He's sort of my alter ego as he is the exact opposite of me in most cases. If you'd like to check out his latest annoyances, be sure to check out the blog at


I don't think I ever thought the moon was cheese, but wouldn't it be cool if it was? ;D

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's never that easy

Nothing is ever as easy as it looks. :3

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentine Freebie!

I decided to give this as a freebie wallpaper. :3 Please do not alter the image or redistribute it without my permission. Because it's free, I only uploaded it in one size, 1024 x 768.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bunny Blues

For the days you're feeling blue, you can always use some bunny love. <3

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Birthday Gift

This goes with the birthday card I just posted. This person loves to read, so I took a picture frame, covered the frame in old book sheets from an awesome old biology book I have, added some of my own art (also made from bits of another old english book), ribbon and crackle pain and voila! Instant gift. :3

Weenie Dog love

A little love for the weenie dog. <3

Birthday card

A simple birthday card I drew for a friend. ;) The top is the front and back of the card and the bottom was the inside.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Okay, the title is terrible, I know. But when you find something awesome to share, it doesn't really matter, right? That's how I see it anyway. And I've found several awesome blogs and treats to share. :D

First, it all started over at Dani Jone's website. That girl can draw! I've always been a fan of her awesome illustrations, but when I saw this post, I just fell in love. I mean, what can be better then art and food combined?

So, upon visiting They Draw and Cook, I found several awesome recipes I wanted to share (and visit again later!) with you guys. :)

Right off the bat, this one blew me away with it beautiful color.
And don't forget to visit her blog, too. Even more beautiful works found there.

Then there's this one that I adored. I love the scratchboard look. I've never ventured into that medium but after seeing this artist's gorgeous work, definately makes me want to try it out asap!

More scrolling thus lead to more beautiful combinations of both art and food.
Stained Glass Window Cookies by Gingerbred, whose art I particularly adored.
Chocolate dipped anything , whose blog held the most adorable creatures by the way.

So that by now, I'm not only starving to create something beautiful, but to eat it as well. LoL!

So finding these dishes didn't help any either.

Chocolate Strawberry Tart
Russian Tea Cakes (which should be a great tea party item when I finally have my Alice in Wonderland themed tea party)
Sweet Acorn Squash
Peppermint Ice Cream Sandwiches
Chocolate Potato
And...Well, I could do this all day. And the sad thing? I haven't even gotten past the December Holiday treats yet. :S So be sure to stop by their site and look your fill of all they have to offer. Now excuse me while I go attempt my own try at a tasty dish. :9

Thursday, January 13, 2011

More Reviews for Jack the Kitten! :D

More reviews are up! If you want to see what everyone has to say about Jack and his pirate antics so far, check out these awesome blogs. ;)

Maple Leaf Mommy

Surviving a teachers salary

My Springfield Mommy

Good Reads

Imagination Cafe

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011