
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Smash it, smoosh it, love it!

I recently picked up one of K and Company's Smash Journals (I think it is the ECO GREEN Smash Folio? Though my cover looks a little different.) at my local Michael's Craft Store. And I LOVE it! I already had a few of the Smash embellishment/journaling pads, but I had no idea how much fun and liberating having a smash journal could be. I normally want my art to look 'perfect'. Not as in it needs to look perfect, but it needed to feel perfect. To feel right, if that makes sense. So I tend to hesitate on most of these sorts of projects, always worrying I'll screw up the way it will look or the feel it will give off. But this time, I threw all those thoughts out the window and just went with it. It's been so much fun. I've not completed a single page yet, but have started several. And the great thing about this book is that it allows for all sorts of creativity. You can make each page as whatever theme or look that you want. Which is perfect for me, as my ideas and inspirations change on a daily, or even hourly, basis. I've always adored mixed media creations. I've been dabbling more in them lately, but this is probably the biggest overall project I've started with them. I can't wait to see the book in it's final form. And to get a few more of these asap! If you're struggling with some ideas on what exactly you can really do with this book, just look at the ones submitted via the K and Company blog. You'll be flowing with creativity in no time. ;) And here's some of my pages so far if you want to check them out. COVER
Pages layout 1
Pages layout 2
And here's another mini journal I started before this project. Not really sure how I plan to 'finish' them at this point. Guess I'll just keep smashing things in and see where I get. ;) Pages layout 3