
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's finally Halloween! :D

Happy Halloween fellow bloggers!

Just wanted to share some other pieces with you that are holiday related. :)

This piece is just...old. And crazy. Just like me, pretty much. XD

Another old piece. Sorry for it's tiny size. :S

Something I created last night for practice and fun. I love the Nightmare Before Christmas, especially the mayor. Something about him is just so adorable and quirky. I couldn't resist drawing him up. Hope you like him. I also thought I'd add him to my Society 6 page here.

More random line arts. Sorry if this is a repeat share. I thought it would be fun to share for today. :)

Another old piece. Very old. And ugly. But hopefully it's ugliness makes it more spooky. That something so hideous could have ever been created. LoL! XD

Hope everyone has a lovely and safe Halloween! Also have some pumpkin pictures I forgot to share. Might share them later this week if I remember. ;)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bunnies, envelopes and a card

Below are some envelopes I doodled up to use when I mail out stuff. I think I've used all of these already, so I need to doodle up some more. Not sure if the post office likes my doodling on the envelope(I only go crazy on the back LoL) but hopefully it makes their day and the receivers day a little more fun. :)

I drew this up around August for a friend's birthday. I was really happy with how it turned out as my birthday cards are usually pretty bland or simple. I'm not sure if it's clear what the card 'means', but on the front it says "Wish big" and on the inside it is showing the horse thinking of a unicorn. XD Not sure if the horse is supposed to be the unicorn or is looking to find one to fall in love with. I guess it's however you want it to be. ;)

Still been trying to practice more with my tablet and brushes and style ideas. Always searching for my "look" it seems. :p Anyway, I drew this up and really liked how it turned out. I was thinking of adding it to my society6 page, since I haven't added anything for awhile, so if you'd like to see what it looks like on merchandise, feel free to check it out there. :)

Happy Tuesday and early Halloween! Hope everyone is staying safe in Hurricane Sandy's path as well! <3

Monday, October 29, 2012

With just a chance of rain.

Just some more practice pieces. Did a couple of variations with this, though I didn't care for how it turned out like I thought I would. Guess I just need to keep practicing. ;) Happy Monday!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Silly pumpkin

Just a silly pumpkin practice piece. ;)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

More practice stuff

A few more practice pieces. ;)

*Oh, and don't worry, no mooses were harmed in the making of this piece. (I'd like to redo this so that the moose is actually wearing this as a halloween costume. Mooses have a sense of humor after all you know. ;D) I guess we'll see if I ever get a chance to work on it some more. You guys probably know I'm terrible at revisiting old work.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Several random things

Some random things for your viewing enjoyment, I hope. ;) Mostly just practice stuffs.


Tree Practice

Pink House

Blue Monster

Krazy Cupcake, watch out for this guy! ;D

Soot Sprites: Shocked, soot sprites copyright owned by Disney and Studio Ghibli

Zombie and sad soot sprites, soot sprites copyright owned by Disney and Studio Ghibli

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Experimental stuffs and a couple of freebies! :D

A couple of pieces I worked on last night. The bottom one are some pieces I started with and as I played around with the brushes and how they worked, I ended up creating the big bad wolf and piggy picture. ;) I really like this style. Definitely going to be trying to incorporate it into my work. So hopefully, you'll be seeing more pieces that get better and better like this. ;)

Oh, and a couple of freebie wallpapers for your computer! :D These are only in one size right now, so I'm sorry if they get a little skewed on your computer. If there are requests for other sizes, I'll add those as well, but for now, I figured these would work. ;) Happy early halloween! :D

*The desktop images are free for personal use only. Do not redistribute, alter or claim them as your own, thank you.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Art Dump

This is a mixture of old and somewhat recent stuff. Random misc. items both digital and pen and paper altered works. Hopefully you can see all the details. :) Sorry if it's a little large. :S

Friday, October 19, 2012

Silly doodles

Some silly doodle practice pieces. Both are mixed media pieces (drawn digitally and altered with scanned paper). Happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Spaced out doodle

Another old piece. I really liked how this turned out and had even tried another version that I thought would make a cute children's book. I worked on a few pages for it, but never finished it. Maybe one day I'll go back to it. ;p

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Autumn Blue bird

A little old bit of something from ages ago. Created as a sort of commission/auction piece on one of the forums I used to haunt. ;) Seems rather fitting for this time of year. ;D Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A little something...

...for your viewing pleasure. :3 Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A little digital practice. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Some older stuff

Some old clay jewelry from ages ago. Still have most of it stored away I think. You can check out the rest of my creations on my deviant art page.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Above is an old line drawing I did, along with a recent "coloring". Instead of actually coloring this in, I played around with using textures and overlays on the image. It was extremely fun. I'm pretty sure I over did it, but as this was simply for practice, it doesn't matter too much. :) Original piece drawn on paper, bottom piece altered digitally with scanned images.

I really should go back to drawing this gal. She was so much fun, especially with her giant octopus pet. :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Some new work

A couple of new pieces for practice. Also have been updating my Deviant art account with some older pieces, so if you want to see some old things I've created, go check it out here. :) Thanks for stopping by and a happy weekend to all! :D

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Random Sketchings

Just some digital sketches and practice with coloring. :)