
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bunnies, envelopes and a card

Below are some envelopes I doodled up to use when I mail out stuff. I think I've used all of these already, so I need to doodle up some more. Not sure if the post office likes my doodling on the envelope(I only go crazy on the back LoL) but hopefully it makes their day and the receivers day a little more fun. :)

I drew this up around August for a friend's birthday. I was really happy with how it turned out as my birthday cards are usually pretty bland or simple. I'm not sure if it's clear what the card 'means', but on the front it says "Wish big" and on the inside it is showing the horse thinking of a unicorn. XD Not sure if the horse is supposed to be the unicorn or is looking to find one to fall in love with. I guess it's however you want it to be. ;)

Still been trying to practice more with my tablet and brushes and style ideas. Always searching for my "look" it seems. :p Anyway, I drew this up and really liked how it turned out. I was thinking of adding it to my society6 page, since I haven't added anything for awhile, so if you'd like to see what it looks like on merchandise, feel free to check it out there. :)

Happy Tuesday and early Halloween! Hope everyone is staying safe in Hurricane Sandy's path as well! <3

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