
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Being Thankful

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US. And while this isn't exactly a thanksgiving related piece, I wanted to post it and share some things I am thankful for. Which is you all. Those who have followed my work, supported it, liked it, helped me improve it. I am grateful and thankful for all of it and all of you. <3 Thank you.

And if you're wondering why this piece, a picture of a bear, would represent being thankful in any way, you should check out Disney/Pixar's latest movie, Brave. It is such a moving, beautiful movie. It reminded me there is so much to be thankful for and that we shouldn't take those we love for granted, no matter how much we disagree or fight with one another. Life is much too short for that.

So, I hope those celebrating the holiday will have a safe, happy day. And those who are not will have a most wonderful weekend. <3

(Note: For anyone wondering, this piece was created in Paint Tool SAI, using a scanned image for the background.)

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