
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Just some random things I've been up to this week so far

  This weekend and week has been pretty busy so far.  I've been listing, planning, organizing and buying way too much stuff.  :P  Here they are in no particular order.

Challenge # 25:

I had a hard time with this list. I had it in my head this list was for random acts of kindness I do personally, but it doesn't say that it has to be so now I feel like my list is stupid. Lol.

 Challenge # 28: This list came out a bit silly. Which makes it one of my favorites. Lol. I especially love that I had a place to add in my distinguished gentleman stamp. I've been waiting to use it for something fun.

Challenge #27:

In case you can't read them, some of my favorite non planner IG accounts are:



Challenege 19: This is an ongoing list and by no means all of my favorite books, just the ones that have stuck with me the most and inspired me most.
 This week feels like a blue/teal, green, pink kind of week. I just hope that fox doesn't catch up to that little owl before the week is up;)

 Spent Saturday night making some fun little books. Sort of like midori booklets I guess? Haven't decided what to do with them all yet but I do believe I will use this one for another list challenge. I added some tabs to make it even more fun.  ;)

Got my second pocket letter from another lovely lady. She even included some chocolate and tea! I've already added the washi tape and a paper clip to my planner. Absolutely Love it!

I really shouldn't be allowed in stores with any sort of art supplies. 

#challenge25 #challenge28 #challenge27 #challenge19 #listersgottalist #lists #listlove #mylistsareweird #gelliprintjournal #theressomuchstufftobuy #cutestuffeverywhere #smile #washitape #ihavenoselfcontrol #whatamigoingtouseitallfor #thefinerthingsinlife #favoritenonplannerigaccounts #favorites #bestbooksihaveeverread #books #planner #planning #plannerlayout #prettypocketpeeks #organizing #handmadebooks #diy #alwaysbelieveinyourself #pocketletters #pocketpals #pocketpalletters #penpal #swap #snailmail #happymail #funstuff

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