
Monday, August 31, 2015

Catching up...

Sorry I've been MIA for the past couple of months.  My mom had open heart surgery and things have just been crazy all the way around since June.  :P  I think it's all starting to even out a little, so I wanted to try to get caught back up on creating art regularly and posting it to share with you guys.  :) 

This post will probably be very random and a bit image heavy, just to warn you ahead of time. 

I'll start with the newest stuff I've been working on and make my way back.  I've recently gotten into doing videos of various things but I don't know how to upload them here yet so that will have to be another post.  Hopefully I can figure it out soon!  When I'm not doing that, I'm trying to stay organized with my planner.  I have so much I want to share here about planner stuff for other people who might be wandering aimlessly in the planner world.  I feel like I have been searching for the 'perfect' system for me for the past few years and I think I may finally be getting close to having systems that work for me.  I'll probably go more into this in another post, but for now let me share with you what I've been doing lately. 

Daily inserts. 
These things are pretty awesome.  It's basically just your list of daily to do items on one page.  I found this one over at themintgreenpolkadot website.  If you haven't looked at daily inserts and would like to, there are tons of options out there.  Some you can buy, some are free, and if you don't find any you like you can definitely make your own.  I tried making my own awhile back and didn't like how they came out so I plan to keep working on that when I get time, but for now these have worked perfectly for me.  I've only been using them a short time, about a week I guess, but they are really great for keeping up with daily tasks that need more room then what you get on a weekly spread.  And if you like to decorate your pages this gives you so much more room and options for that.  I don't usually have time to decorate very much but these are perfect for letting me be just creative enough every day.  I have always preferred the weekly spread and the month on two pages layouts, but the current weekly spreads I have are just not my style.  They're very generic and just don't suit me the way I like.  I'm thinking that once I run out I might get a years supply from Cocoadaisy.  I really love the look of theirs.  They even have a free download if you want to try it! 

Also, just in case anyone wants to know, I have a basic DayTimer planner.  I got it very cheap at Walmart about two years ago I think?  I really love it but I plan to eventually get a Kikki K.  I've looked at so many brands and love a lot of the designs from Filofax, but I think the Kikki K brand would be perfect for what I want.  I'm waiting for one to come out with a design I love.  (I hate that I missed their mint ones!) 

 I haven't had much time to draw digitally in the last couple of months so I really don't have much to share in that department right now I'm afraid.  :/  Hopefully I will get some time soon to pull out my computer more often.  :)  I do have some random things from around my studio or of things I've bought/come across/started working on, in case anyone is curious to see some behind the scenes sort of things.  ;) 

I feel like I am constantly cleaning or organizing my studio.  Usually both!  These stickers have moved around quite a bit lately.  I organized them from the overstuffed drawer they were in and moved them to this bright neon pink container I picked up at the Dollar General store.  I am able to see them better so that I will actually use them now!  I still have a long way to go as far as getting my stickers into a good organized system but I think this is definitely a step forward.  ;) 
 I found these adorable markers at my local TJ Maxx.  Aren't they cute?  They're basically just (scented!) highlighters, but they were too cute to pass up. 
 I came across these old scrapbook/album books in one of my boxes.  I'm pretty sure I've shared the Halloween one here before but just in case you're wondering if it still exists, it does!  LoL!  I just need to finish it!

I've decided to use these papers for my September Listers Gotta List challenge.  I'm so behind on Augusts' lists, but I plan to try to hop back on the bandwagon this upcoming month.  I love finishing one of these books and knowing that it's done. 
These sticker paper sheets are from the Dollar Tree.  I think I bought about six different types but these three seem to be my favorites. 

I picked these up this weekend.  I just can't seem to resist paint chip samples.  They're so beautiful and full of colorful goodness! 

These two pages are from my Smash books.  The robot page I found in my large red smash book and the Think Happy page is from my daily smash journal (which I have also gotten behind in this past week).  I think for 2016 I am going to do something completely different.  I haven't quite decided yet but it definitely will not be in Smash books next year. LoL  I love them but they are way too big for using them the way I have been. 

And last but not least, my latest mixed media pages! :D  I haven't had time to paint in ages but I plan to do a little painting as soon as possible.  I absolutely love how these pages turned out.  The colors just make me so happy and they make me want to be more creative.  ;) 

I hope you've enjoyed catching up with me today.  Hopefully I will have more time to start posting regularly again, and actually get time to make things to post!  Like I said, I'm hoping to figure out how to share my videos here as well, so that will hopefully be something I'll be able to share with you all soon.  Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoyed your stay!  <3 p="">

#mixedmedia #painting #smashjournal #smashbook #EKSuccess #stencils #nofear #explore #robot #thinkhappybehappy #paintchipsamples #color #bright #bold #colorful #stickerpaper #dollartree #dollarstore #scrapbookpaper #listersgottalist #theresetgirl #lists #listchallenge #halloweenbook #halloween #memorybook #memorykeeping #TJMaxx #cute #kawaii #markers #cutehighlighters #stickers #organization #stickerorganization #dailyinserts #themintgreenpolkadot #cocoadaisy #planner #plannernerd #planning #daytimer #kikkik #filofax

Friday, May 22, 2015

Hello Sun

Actually drew a thing last night on my computer!  Yay me!  And happy early memorial day weekend to those in the USA! :D 

Art Journal

 I don't feel like I've been very artistic the last few months. Not as much as I have been in the past anyway. So I've been trying to get back into the groove with my paints and watercolors. I've been working on my brush lettering and accents lately. I've noticed with my paints and digital art I like to use really bright, bold colors, where as with the watercolors I've been using very soft, pastel colors. The artist loft set I have doesn't seem to have any really bright / bold colors though. :I
Next is to try to get back into creating more digital art. :D
‪#‎artjournal‬ ‪#‎gelliprintjournal‬ ‪#‎gelliprinting‬ ‪#‎painting‬ ‪#‎colorful‬ ‪#‎playful‬ ‪#‎brushpen‬ ‪#‎watercolor‬ ‪#‎pastel‬ ‪#‎bright‬

Handmade booklets

Made a few more little booklets. I really need to figure out what I want to use them for. They're starting to accumulate. 😬 I think I need to get a midori and start using these In it somehow. ‪#‎handmadebooks‬ ‪#‎somethingtodo‬ ‪#‎cutebooks‬ ‪#‎midoriinserts‬

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Just some random stuff...

Thursday Inspiration.
"Be more awesome than a chicken riding an umbrella with an alligator."
I like to think I'm that awesome.  ;) 
The sticker is from the Darice dollar packs available at Michael's.  I seem to buy a new set every time I go in!

 Weekend quotes in my new striped notebook to keep me going this week.  I think I may make this my quote book.  It currently is a catchall list book but I really adding some of my favorite quotes to it.

I have a library book I need to read, so I thought some reading/book quotes might inspire me. 

I keep seeing all of these cute paper clips people have made, so I made a couple the other night and added this little bow one to my a5 planner and it matches everything perfectly. I ended up accidentally touching the scalding hot glue to my thumb and finger as I was holding it and almost dropped it and grabbed it with my fingers instead of letting it fall, so that wasn't fun.  Thankfully it didn't leave any permanent damage!
 The bow came from michaels dollar fifty area (from awhile ago) and the pens came from target. The teal one was from the dollar spot trio set (all different colors) that is currently out and the green one is a Yoobi pen, which also came in a set of three, although they were all the same color. I absolutely love the Yoobi pens. I bought two types and these were my favorite. They're very smooth and write amazingly. They can smear so you have to let them dry just a bit but I still love them. Still haven't figured out what to do with this little booklet I made either. I added a sticker from my freckled fawn package I got along with some washi tape but that's as far as I've gotten so far. :/

#inspiration #imweird #mybrainthinksupweirdstuff #imgladitsthursday #michaels #freckledfawn #stickerfun #planner #quotes #quotekeeper #words #letters #lettering #washitape #wordstokeepmegoing #wordstoinspireme #lists #handmadebooks #cutepaperclips #plannersupplies #planneraccessories

End of April and beginning of May Listers Gotta List challenges

Challenge # 30 (April)

 Challenge #1 (May)
 (I didn't end up sharing Challenge #2 for May because I didn't really care for how mine came out.)

 Challenge #3 (May)

Challenge #4 (May)

Challenge #5 (May)

 Challenge #6 (May)

 Challenge #7 (May)

If you're looking to get involved in the Listers Gotta List challenge, check it out here.  
 #listersgottalist, #lists, #maychallenge, #aprilchallenge, #listchallenge

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Just some random things I've been up to this week so far

  This weekend and week has been pretty busy so far.  I've been listing, planning, organizing and buying way too much stuff.  :P  Here they are in no particular order.

Challenge # 25:

I had a hard time with this list. I had it in my head this list was for random acts of kindness I do personally, but it doesn't say that it has to be so now I feel like my list is stupid. Lol.

 Challenge # 28: This list came out a bit silly. Which makes it one of my favorites. Lol. I especially love that I had a place to add in my distinguished gentleman stamp. I've been waiting to use it for something fun.

Challenge #27:

In case you can't read them, some of my favorite non planner IG accounts are:



Challenege 19: This is an ongoing list and by no means all of my favorite books, just the ones that have stuck with me the most and inspired me most.
 This week feels like a blue/teal, green, pink kind of week. I just hope that fox doesn't catch up to that little owl before the week is up;)

 Spent Saturday night making some fun little books. Sort of like midori booklets I guess? Haven't decided what to do with them all yet but I do believe I will use this one for another list challenge. I added some tabs to make it even more fun.  ;)

Got my second pocket letter from another lovely lady. She even included some chocolate and tea! I've already added the washi tape and a paper clip to my planner. Absolutely Love it!

I really shouldn't be allowed in stores with any sort of art supplies. 

#challenge25 #challenge28 #challenge27 #challenge19 #listersgottalist #lists #listlove #mylistsareweird #gelliprintjournal #theressomuchstufftobuy #cutestuffeverywhere #smile #washitape #ihavenoselfcontrol #whatamigoingtouseitallfor #thefinerthingsinlife #favoritenonplannerigaccounts #favorites #bestbooksihaveeverread #books #planner #planning #plannerlayout #prettypocketpeeks #organizing #handmadebooks #diy #alwaysbelieveinyourself #pocketletters #pocketpals #pocketpalletters #penpal #swap #snailmail #happymail #funstuff

Friday, April 24, 2015

Pocket letters

 I don't think I've mentioned it but a few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to jump on the bandwagon and start doing Pocketpal letters.  If you haven't heard of this, you basically just take a baseball card protector sleeve sheet (that has nine pockets) and fill it with random bits of scrapbook supplies, planner supplies, homemade things, tea, whatever will fit really that you might want to share with someone and then send it off to a penpal or friend in the mail.  The idea is really genius since they fold over perfectly and fit most large enevelopes so obviously I fell in love with this idea and have sent out three (about to be four) letters so far.  Today I got my first one from a lovely lady whose blog is At the End of the Day. It came with all sorts of little beach / coastal things that I can't wait to sit down and play with!
I haven't shared any pictures of mine yet, as I didn't want to ruin any surprises for the ladies I sent them to, but as soon as they all receive them I will try to add those pictures as well. 

#pocketpalletters #penpals #swap #snailmail #happymail #funstuff #pocketpals #pocketletters